Each week we put a Norwich resident in the hot seat and ask them ten questions about themselves. This week we spoke with Clive Lewis, MP for Norwich South and the Shadow Secretary of State for Defence.

• Describe Norwich in three words...

Historic, beautiful and friendly

• If you were stranded with three people on a deserted island, who would you want them to be?

I'd definitely want to be stranded with Carl Sagan, I think he's a genius and it would be a great opportunity to pick his brain. I'd also pick Julius Cesear because he was such a great mind and apparently very witty in his day, and finally Marie Curie because she must have had such an interesting personality.

• If you could be any other person, who would it be?

If we're talking about real people, then I wouldn't mind being Robert Downey Jr as he appears to be the sort of person that likes to have a good laugh, but if we're allowed to pick someone fictional, then I'd love to be James T. Kirk.

• How would you spend a perfect weekend in the city?

I'd start by going to watch Norwich City win at home, then I'd head out for drinks by the river with my girlfriend and top it all off with a garden party and BBQ with good friends. I don't often get much time off so when I do, I like to try and spend it with friends and family.

• Would you rather spend a night in front of the telly or a night out on the town?

I don't have much time to watch the TV usually, but I think I'd prefer a night out on the town anyway so I could see my friends.

• What's your mantra in life?

I'm always telling people that it's better to seek forgiveness than ask for permission.

• Which song defines your life?

The classic Gloria Gaynor song, I Will Survive.

• What's your biggest fear?

Climate Change and subsequently what we are doing to the environment and the nine planetary boundaries - reaching any one of them could mean disaster for us and we're on the verge of reaching about four at the moment.

• Which one thing could you never be without?

The love of my girlfriend.

• What would you do if you won the lottery?

Not tell anyone and set up a philanthropic and political foundation for the advancement of progressive global politics. That's definitely something I've always wanted to do.

• Would you like to take part in this weekly feature? Email courtney.pochin@archant.co.uk