A residential care home could be built on the last remaining piece of land for sale at the former Little Plumstead Hospital site, near Norwich.

The site comprises a range of former hospital buildings to the west of the old hospital and extends to about 9.30ha (22.9 acres).

The buildings were built between the 1930s and 1980s and are now vacant and in need of substantial renovation.

The site is being sold by Savills Norwich and being advertised as suitable for a new residential institution development.

This means that it could be a residential care home, hospital, nursing home, boarding school, residential college or training centre.

But the site could be suitable for residential development should institutional demand not be forthcoming.

Savills Norwich spokesman Ben Guest said: 'This is the last chance to buy land at the Little Plumstead Hospital site and we are sure this opportunity will generate interest in the local market.'

Originally opened in the Victorian period, the site has been steadily sold off over the past few years. Phase one was sold to Taylor Wimpey and Hopkins Homes who built homes at the site.

The Diocese of Norwich has also bought land and is currently constructing a new primary school which will open before the end of the year.

A new access has been built to service the new school, and this access also services the adjoining residential development, the Broadland Clinic and the property.

The site is therefore being sold with the benefit of a dedicated road running along the northern boundary of the site.

The former Little Plumstead longstay hospital for people with learning difficulties closed in the 1990s.

Further information can be obtained from www.savills.com/little plumstead.

Are you behind a new planning development in the city? Call reporter David Bale on 01603 772427 or email david.bale2@archant.co.uk.