The ways in which the Olympic Games have inspired the people of Norwich and Norfolk are being celebrated today.

UK Inspire Day is a celebration of the London 2012 Inspire programme – a family of more than 2,700 projects across Britain which have been inspired by the Games to do something special in their local communities.

In Norfolk, 28 projects have been awarded the coveted Inspire mark. These projects include Active Norfolk's Pledge 2012, which calls on the people of Norfolk to make a health or fitness-related commitment in the run-up to the Olympic Games; dance and music show Pulse, which will take to the stage as part of the Olympic torch relay celebrations in Norwich; and Going Green for Gold, which encourages learning about horticulture and active participation in related activities.

Other Inspire Mark projects include Playground to Podium, Artists for Climate Change, Dance Aloud and Hethersett's Sport in the Park.

Joseph Ballard, London 2012 Inspire Programmer for the east of England said: 'We have such a diverse range of projects here in the east.

'From hopscotch to quilting, gardening and cooking – the Inspire programme has shown how we have responded to the Games in our different communities across the region.'

A series of events will happen across East Anglia to celebrate UK Inspire Day today.

In Norwich, a special preview screening of Response Theatre's short films will be shown at the Big Screen at Chapelfield at lunchtime.

The films are a series of monologues based upon the Olympic and Paralympic Values. Accompanying the films will be a collection of short animations from the Hethersett cluster of primary schools.

Anna McCarthy, creative projects officer for Norfolk County Council's children's services, said: 'We were delighted to be awarded five Inspire Mark awards, for Dance Aloud, Artists for Climate Change, Just Imagine, Grassroots – The One World programme and Dr Ken Goes for Gold. Apart from recognising innovation and quality, the Inspire Mark really brings about a sense of family and belonging and provides a fantastic opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate the courage, determination and excellence demonstrated in everyday life.'

Do you have an Olympics story? Call reporter Kate Scotter on 01603 772326. Don't miss the Evening News on May 29 for the next edition of our free Olympics supplement, London Calling.