The last I heard was that work was to begin in June with the demolishing of the Stationery Office.

It is almost August and still nothing has happened — the government are paying for the demolition as the building asbestos, so — what is the delay?

This has been going on for years, twice we were told that the revamp of the square was to happen, and then nothing.

I saw a notice in the square about an open day in an empty shop on Magdalen Street. I went along and found it very interesting.

There were large boards with diagrams and information. Board one had a large drawing of the five phases of the redevelopment.

There were a couple of gentleman present to answer questions, give out information, etc. I felt very excited it was actually going to happen — finally. And then nothing — again.

Quite frankly, I'm fed up with the whole thing. I would be interested to read other readers' views on this matter.

June Wilson, Brewers Court, Norwich