A year ago there was a major change to the Highway Code in the UK in a bid to make roads safer for people on foot and cyclists. 

The rules now state that car drivers should give way to pedestrians who are crossing or waiting to cross at a junction where they are turning. 

There was a bit of publicity about the changes at the time but over the last few months it has been difficult to see the new Highway Code rule in action

When I stand at road crossings in the city with any attempt to get to the other side, very few cars stop to let me pass. 

I have more success if I have my children with me though. 

I have also had a couple of scary close shaves over the past two weeks while out for a run in and around the city when drivers have clearly not abided by the rules of the road. 

At crossings I always press the button at lights rather than dash across. 

But two weeks ago while crossing Wroxham Road I was nearly run over by a car when the traffic lights were orange and a car did not stop. 

And this week in Riverside Road a car went straight over a red light while I was crossing the road. 

It was scary thinking about what could have happened if I had been hit by those cars. 

Rules are there for a reason to keep everyone safe and are important.